Micro-dosing is when a minimal psychoactive substance (mushroom) is regularly taken to bring about daily benefits. Why are people doing it? Some reasons are reports of increased moods and a focus on enhancing creativity and its therapeutic nature. This article is going to explain the medicinal reasons for micro-dose mushrooms.

They can lower your cholesterol levels.

A recent study shows that mushrooms contain two compounds that affect cholesterol. Eritadenine inhibits cholesterol production, and Beta-glucans, a fibre, reduce cholesterol absorption in your body.

To boost your immune system.

The immune system protects us from diseases. The immune system resides in our gut tract, and when it is inflamed, our immune response diminishes. Mushrooms contain a potent antioxidant, ergothioneine.

The antioxidant lines with the gut and protects our biomes from pathogens that create disease. They also contain antibiotics, beta-glucans, and polysaccharides similar to penicillin. The compounds stimulate the immune system and prevent microbial growth while limiting fungal infections. This is one of the reasons for micro-dose mushrooms.

They are therapeutic

One of the reasons to micro-dose mushrooms is their hallucinogenic property. When ingested, users can experience a therapeutic function for various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and addiction.

While many regard mushrooms as substance abuse, they are not addictive. The active chemical inside mushrooms, psilocybin, can make users see the world differently, and these effects can be potentially therapeutic.

Digestion improvement

They reduce systematic inflammation

Inflammation affects our bodies in many different ways. Muscles inflame due to exercise-induced stress after a gym workout—our joints and cartilage experience inflammation from degenerative bone diseases.

Mushrooms reduce systematic inflammation. Our gut biomes, the trillions of live micro bacteria in our guts, assimilate nutrients, micro-nutrients, and vitamins from our food. Biomes lose their ability to operate efficiently when the gut is inflamed.

Source of vitamin D

Mushrooms are exposed to sunlight, or ultraviolet rays react by forming vitamin D. It strengthens your immune system, keeps the bones strong, and can help lower blood pressure. If you want good health, try micro-dosing mushrooms.

Treating PTSD

People who experience emotional trauma develop a condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder. Clinical evidence suggests that mushrooms can assist the therapist in alternative healing strategies for people who have PTSD. They contain a hallucinogenic substance called psilocybin, the active ingredient that creates psychedelic experiences and euphoria for people who consume them.

Mushrooms have a host of benefits for our bodies. They include digestion improvement to boost your immune system, and they are therapeutic and can lower your cholesterol values. These are the medicinal benefits of micro-dosing mushrooms.