Psychedelic cuisine is an emerging trend, taking the culinary world on an unexpected journey. The critical ingredient, magic mushrooms, is known for its potent mind-altering effects. However, it also carries an exciting flavour profile. Today, we’ll explore the unique taste of different magic mushroom strains, how to mask their flavour and some of the best ways to incorporate them into dishes.

  1. A Tasting Guide to Magic Mushroom Strains
    A. Psilocybe Cubensis

Known for its moderate potency, Psilocybe cubensis is the most widely cultivated and consumed magic mushroom strain. Its taste is often described as earthy and slightly nutty, similar to the flavour of common edible mushrooms, but with a distinct bitterness. Different sub-strains of P. cubensis might have subtle flavour variations, with some leaning towards a more metallic taste.

B. Psilocybe Semilanceata (Liberty Cap)

Psilocybe semilanceata, also known as Liberty Cap, is renowned for its potency. It has a more pronounced, intensely earthy flavour than P. cubensis, with a strong bitter aftertaste. Its unique flavour makes it less palatable when consumed raw, but the taste can be masked or enhanced in cooking.

  1. Masking the Flavor of Magic Mushrooms
    A. Tea and Infusions

One of the most popular methods of consuming magic mushrooms while mitigating their bitter taste is to brew them in tea. Adding honey, ginger, or lemon can further mask the bitterness while also potentially enhancing the psilocybin’s effects due to the acidity.

B. Incorporating into Dishes

Magic mushrooms can be incorporated into various dishes to disguise their taste. They can be finely chopped and mixed into sauces, soups, or casseroles. When combined with other ingredients, the distinctive flavour of magic mushrooms becomes much less noticeable.

  1. Recipes for Magic Mushroom Delicacies
    A. Magic Mushroom Chocolate

This is a classic choice among psychonauts. Chocolate’s rich, sweet taste easily masks the bitter undertones of magic mushrooms, and the psychotropic compounds blend well with the cocoa’s mood-enhancing properties.

B. Magic Mushroom Pizza

Another popular way to consume magic mushrooms is by topping a pizza with them. The intense flavours of the cheese, sauce, and other toppings help mask the earthiness of the mushrooms, making for a tasty and psychedelic meal.

  1. Safety and Legality
    A. Know Your Dosage

Cooking with magic mushrooms should be cautiously approached due to their psychoactive properties. It’s essential to know your tolerance level and dose accordingly. Always start with a lower amount and wait to see the effects before consuming more.

B. Legal Considerations

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, magic mushrooms are classified as Schedule I drugs under the Controlled Substances Act in the United States, making them illegal to cultivate, sell, or possess. However, laws vary worldwide, and in some regions, they are decriminalized or even legal. Always ensure you are informed about the laws in your area before consuming or cooking with magic mushrooms.

Exploring the culinary possibilities of magic mushrooms opens up an exciting new frontier in gastronomy. Understanding their unique flavour profiles and finding creative ways to incorporate them into delicious dishes can transform the experience of consuming these fascinating fungi. However, we must always remember the importance of safety, dosage control, and legality when embarking on these culinary adventures.



Micro-dosing is when a minimal psychoactive substance (mushroom) is regularly taken to bring about daily benefits. Why are people doing it? Some reasons are reports of increased moods and a focus on enhancing creativity and its therapeutic nature. This article is going to explain the medicinal reasons for micro-dose mushrooms.

They can lower your cholesterol levels.

A recent study shows that mushrooms contain two compounds that affect cholesterol. Eritadenine inhibits cholesterol production, and Beta-glucans, a fibre, reduce cholesterol absorption in your body.

To boost your immune system.

The immune system protects us from diseases. The immune system resides in our gut tract, and when it is inflamed, our immune response diminishes. Mushrooms contain a potent antioxidant, ergothioneine.

The antioxidant lines with the gut and protects our biomes from pathogens that create disease. They also contain antibiotics, beta-glucans, and polysaccharides similar to penicillin. The compounds stimulate the immune system and prevent microbial growth while limiting fungal infections. This is one of the reasons for micro-dose mushrooms.

They are therapeutic

One of the reasons to micro-dose mushrooms is their hallucinogenic property. When ingested, users can experience a therapeutic function for various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and addiction.

While many regard mushrooms as substance abuse, they are not addictive. The active chemical inside mushrooms, psilocybin, can make users see the world differently, and these effects can be potentially therapeutic.

Digestion improvement

They reduce systematic inflammation

Inflammation affects our bodies in many different ways. Muscles inflame due to exercise-induced stress after a gym workout—our joints and cartilage experience inflammation from degenerative bone diseases.

Mushrooms reduce systematic inflammation. Our gut biomes, the trillions of live micro bacteria in our guts, assimilate nutrients, micro-nutrients, and vitamins from our food. Biomes lose their ability to operate efficiently when the gut is inflamed.

Source of vitamin D

Mushrooms are exposed to sunlight, or ultraviolet rays react by forming vitamin D. It strengthens your immune system, keeps the bones strong, and can help lower blood pressure. If you want good health, try micro-dosing mushrooms.

Treating PTSD

People who experience emotional trauma develop a condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder. Clinical evidence suggests that mushrooms can assist the therapist in alternative healing strategies for people who have PTSD. They contain a hallucinogenic substance called psilocybin, the active ingredient that creates psychedelic experiences and euphoria for people who consume them.

Mushrooms have a host of benefits for our bodies. They include digestion improvement to boost your immune system, and they are therapeutic and can lower your cholesterol values. These are the medicinal benefits of micro-dosing mushrooms. 

Health benefits of lion’s mane mushroom

Health benefits of lion’s mane mushroom


Lions mane mushrooms belong to kingdom fungi, they are edible and grow in forests on trees and logs. The mushrooms have a body that is unique because of the spine-like structure they have. Some farmers have found ways to grow these species of mushroom in their farms and that makes the supply of the mushroom increase with time. The lion mane mushroom contains proteins carbohydrates and some amount of potassium and iron. All the named components are good for the human body in terms of helping to grow cells and for immune building. The health benefits of the lions mane mushroom is what has made the plant known widely. 


Hericium erinaceus is another name for this specie, it originated from the Polar Regions. The climate in the area favoured their growth in big quantities. As years passed the farmers found ways to grow them in various places in the continent rather than only in the Polar Regions. 

Health benefits 

Lowers the risk of getting cardiac disorders, the plant is stuffed with nutrients that play a big role in keeping the cardiac system of a human being disease free and to work well. 

Wound healing capabilities, among the components of the plant is a strong feature that helps the kin heal fast after an injury. 

Helps reduce anxiety and depression, it is rich in relaxing agents that calm the human mind and does away with stress and any form of anxiety. 

Reduces the risk of getting cancerous cells, some extracts in the mushroom help in increasing the cell activities in the body, and when the cells are active enough they tend to renew themselves thus study has shown that the extracts help reduce the size of the cancer cells and with time they are totally eliminated from the body. 

It is an anti-inflammatory agent, they can help reduce the tendency of the body swelling in instances of injury or some fluid imbalance in the body. 

Prevents insanity or dementia, the brain works in a nonstop manner and thus at times it tends to get overwhelmed and it may lead to someone going made, the mushroom components help in rejuvenating the cells in the human mind and also help steady the blood flow in the brain so that all the brain functions are carried our effectively. The renewal of cells improves the brains working efficiency. 

Boosts the immune system, every human needs the immunity from diseases and be disease free for the better time of their living. Research has shown the major part these mushroom can play in boosting the immunity of a person by renewing cells frequently and strengthening the cells. 

Other benefits 

Religious practices, these plants were used by Buddhists some years back to perform various religious rituals and meditating. Due to its ability to relax the mind it was a good choice to help people concentrate during the meditation process. 

It was used as food, apart from the health benefits it brings, they also were used as food to many communities back then. 


The natural gifts given to us have major benefits no matter their state and as discussed above the health benefits of lion’s mane mushrooms, it is evident enough that among the various plants nature gave us is solace. All the benefits from the natural ingredients might cost less rather than going the hospital way. 

Best buy link is here :-


Cannabis and Aging

Cannabis and Aging

According to studies, cannabis use in the US is increasing by the day. Physicians recommend cannabis for medication Tale of Two Strains.  

Some factors seem to be behind this façade, not least the decreasing stigma regarding cannabis use, especially for medical purposes. Many countries now approve the use of marijuana for medical use in older adults. These older folks use cannabis for the same reasons that the younger generation does: neuropathy, pain, insomnia, and anxiety.  

The stigma and the illegality the use of cannabis user feedback among older folk is almost non-existent.  

Old people usually have health issues that force them to be using multiple medicines. With cannabis having over 600 chemicals, it affects blood levels of the medicines one is taking. One should be especially careful about anti-seizure and blood-thinning medication. Due diligence is a must and constant communication with medical providers about cannabis use. Especially in the case of surgery, disclosing cannabis use is crucial. 

The highs of cannabis is a cause of concern among the aged, especially dementia patients.  

Research shows that cognitive functions tend to improve with cannabis use due to improved pain control. Older patients are using low doses and thus negating the effects of chronic pain. There is a need for more studies n all these areas. 

The elderly are using cannabis with less stigma than before with more public acceptance. Cannabis is being recognized for chronic pain and insomnia. It is easier to have a discussion with doctors as one weighs the risks involved. Especially if one has cardiac issues, it important to discuss with medical personnel. Share with your doctor as often as possible about cannabis use. This way you can know if the doses you are taking is okay. 

Lifestyle changes that occur among the aged, such as the loss of a loved one, relocation, or retirement lead to loneliness and ay encourage the use of cannabis.  

Aging also involves structural changes in brain functions, and uncontrolled use of cannabis can make it worse.  

Older folk report that cannabis helps in the issues of anxiety, pain, and insomnia. Researchers find that most of the patients who use cannabis started using it after age 60.  

These new users normally will use cannabis for medical reasons strictly. Also, they are more likely to discuss it freely with their doctors. 

More mapping and collation of available research are required for developing policy and regulation. The current store of knowledge is insufficient and woefully scanty. 

Cannabidiol (CBD) has several health benefits especially for older adults, but research is in the very early stages. It is one of the 100 or so chemicals found in the cannabis Sativa plant. CBD doesn’t is associated with the highs that many people connect with cannabis. The FDA has never agreed to guarantee the quality, effectiveness, or safety of CBD products. This means that the individual user must be double careful and cooperate with his medical doctor at all times.