Deciding how to take magic mushrooms can be tricky. Each method delivers the psychedelic psilocybin differently. Our guide compares tea and edibles so you can choose with confidence. 

Let’s dive in! 

Magic Mushroom Tea 

Magic Mushroom Tea is a popular method of consuming psychedelic mushrooms. The tea contains psilocybin and psilocin, the psychoactive compounds in magic mushrooms. Known for its potential mental and physical health benefits Hey Sero Magic Mushroom Chocolate, this mushroom concoction has gained popularity among those seeking an alternative way to experience the effects of psychedelics. 

Effects of psilocybin and psilocin 

Psilocybin and psilocin are the essential psychoactive compounds found in psychedelic mushrooms. When you consume these substances, they can change how you perceive the world around you. 

Colors might seem brighter, sounds more distinct, and emotions more profound. Some people feel a sense of euphoria and experience deep introspection or spiritual insights while tripping on magic mushrooms. 

These compounds work by affecting the brain’s serotonin receptors. This can lead to altered thoughts, feelings, and visual hallucinations. The intensity of these effects often depends on the dose taken. 

Lower doses may result in milder sensations, such as relaxation or heightened sensory experiences. Higher doses can cause more intense visions and a more robust psychedelic experience that could last several hours. 

Benefits for mental and physical health 

Magic mushroom tea can potentially offer mental health benefits such as reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has been found to induce feelings of peace, connectedness, and spirituality. 

Additionally, some users report improved mood and increased mindfulness after consuming magic mushroom tea. On the physical side, it may help in alleviating migraines and cluster headaches due to its psychoactive compounds. 

Consuming edibles containing psilocybin can also have positive effects on mental health by fostering introspection and self-reflection. Some individuals have experienced a decrease in symptoms related to chronic pain conditions like migraines or fibromyalgia after using psilocybin edibles. 

Recipe and how to make it 

To turn magic mushrooms into tea:

  1. Gather dried psilocybin mushrooms, water, and a tea bag.
  2. Crush the mushrooms into a fine powder.
  3. Boil water in a kettle and add the mushroom powder and tea bag. 

Let it steep for 10-15 minutes before straining out the solids. Add flavourings like honey or lemon to enhance taste while consuming this mind-altering brew responsibly. 

When preparing edibles with magic mushrooms, grind them finely and evenly into your chosen butter or oil infusion recipe, such as brownies or gummies. 


Edibles are cannabis-infused products that are ingested orally, such as gummies, brownies, or chocolates. When consumed, the effects can take longer to kick in but can last longer than other consumption methods. 

It’s essential to be mindful of edibles’ dose and potential health risks. 

How they are made 

Grind dried psychedelic mushrooms into a fine powder to make magic mushroom tea. Next, boil water and add the powdered mushrooms and desired flavourings, such as tea or ginger. 

Let it steep for 15-20 minutes before straining out the mushroom residue. For edibles, begin by infusing cannabis or psilocybin extracts into butter or oil over low heat. Then, incorporate this infusion into your chosen recipe, ensuring you consider dosing carefully to prevent potential health risks and dependence. 

Lastly, ensure proper labelling when storing these products to avoid accidental consumption – especially if children are around. 

Dose and effects 

Consuming magic mushroom tea or edibles can have mind-altering effects within 30-60 minutes. The dosage determines the intensity, with lower doses causing mild euphoria and heightened sensory perception. In comparison, higher doses may lead to intense hallucinations and an altered sense of time and space. 

It’s crucial to start with a low dose to gauge individual tolerance levels and avoid overwhelming experiences that could cause anxiety or paranoia. 

Edible mushrooms, on the other hand, are made by infusing psilocybin extracts into various food products like gummies or chocolates. The effects are similar to those of magic mushroom tea but may take longer to kick in due to digestion. 

Health risks and potential dependence 

Consuming edible mushrooms can lead to nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort. Excessive use may result in dependency and increased tolerance over time. These mind-altering substances can also trigger adverse psychological effects like anxiety or paranoia. 

It’s crucial to be mindful of the dose and frequency of consumption to mitigate these risks. 

In contrast, psilocybin ingestion through mushroom tea offers a gentler onset with reduced physical discomfort compared to edibles. However, excessive reliance on psychedelic therapy without proper guidance may still pose potential dependence risks. 

Understanding these health hazards is essential for making informed decisions about consuming hallucinogenic fungi products. 


In conclusion, choosing magic mushroom tea and edibles depends on one’s preferences and needs. Understanding each consumption method’s effects, benefits, and risks is crucial for making an informed decision. 

Both methods offer unique experiences with mind-altering substances derived from mushrooms. Whether seeking therapeutic benefits or exploring spirituality and psychedelics, it’s essential to consider individual tolerance levels and potential health implications when consuming these products. 



Psychedelic cuisine is an emerging trend, taking the culinary world on an unexpected journey. The critical ingredient, magic mushrooms, is known for its potent mind-altering effects. However, it also carries an exciting flavour profile. Today, we’ll explore the unique taste of different magic mushroom strains, how to mask their flavour and some of the best ways to incorporate them into dishes.

  1. A Tasting Guide to Magic Mushroom Strains
    A. Psilocybe Cubensis

Known for its moderate potency, Psilocybe cubensis is the most widely cultivated and consumed magic mushroom strain. Its taste is often described as earthy and slightly nutty, similar to the flavour of common edible mushrooms, but with a distinct bitterness. Different sub-strains of P. cubensis might have subtle flavour variations, with some leaning towards a more metallic taste.

B. Psilocybe Semilanceata (Liberty Cap)

Psilocybe semilanceata, also known as Liberty Cap, is renowned for its potency. It has a more pronounced, intensely earthy flavour than P. cubensis, with a strong bitter aftertaste. Its unique flavour makes it less palatable when consumed raw, but the taste can be masked or enhanced in cooking.

  1. Masking the Flavor of Magic Mushrooms
    A. Tea and Infusions

One of the most popular methods of consuming magic mushrooms while mitigating their bitter taste is to brew them in tea. Adding honey, ginger, or lemon can further mask the bitterness while also potentially enhancing the psilocybin’s effects due to the acidity.

B. Incorporating into Dishes

Magic mushrooms can be incorporated into various dishes to disguise their taste. They can be finely chopped and mixed into sauces, soups, or casseroles. When combined with other ingredients, the distinctive flavour of magic mushrooms becomes much less noticeable.

  1. Recipes for Magic Mushroom Delicacies
    A. Magic Mushroom Chocolate

This is a classic choice among psychonauts. Chocolate’s rich, sweet taste easily masks the bitter undertones of magic mushrooms, and the psychotropic compounds blend well with the cocoa’s mood-enhancing properties.

B. Magic Mushroom Pizza

Another popular way to consume magic mushrooms is by topping a pizza with them. The intense flavours of the cheese, sauce, and other toppings help mask the earthiness of the mushrooms, making for a tasty and psychedelic meal.

  1. Safety and Legality
    A. Know Your Dosage

Cooking with magic mushrooms should be cautiously approached due to their psychoactive properties. It’s essential to know your tolerance level and dose accordingly. Always start with a lower amount and wait to see the effects before consuming more.

B. Legal Considerations

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, magic mushrooms are classified as Schedule I drugs under the Controlled Substances Act in the United States, making them illegal to cultivate, sell, or possess. However, laws vary worldwide, and in some regions, they are decriminalized or even legal. Always ensure you are informed about the laws in your area before consuming or cooking with magic mushrooms.

Exploring the culinary possibilities of magic mushrooms opens up an exciting new frontier in gastronomy. Understanding their unique flavour profiles and finding creative ways to incorporate them into delicious dishes can transform the experience of consuming these fascinating fungi. However, we must always remember the importance of safety, dosage control, and legality when embarking on these culinary adventures.

The Benefits of Magic Mushroom Delivery Services

Magic mushrooms are a unique and powerful tool for exploration and growth. As more people seek out the benefits of psychedelics, access to magic mushrooms is becoming easier than ever with the help of delivery services. These services provide an easy way to get your hands on high-quality mushrooms without having to worry about sourcing them yourself. Let’s take a closer look at what these services offer, how they work, and why they can be beneficial for those looking to explore psychedelics safely.

Safety & Convenience

Magic mushroom delivery services prioritize safety and convenience above all else. All of the mushrooms offered through these services are lab-tested for purity, quality, and potency. This means that you can trust that the product you’re getting is exactly what it says it is – no surprises or nasty surprises down the line. Additionally, delivery services offer discrete packaging so that your order arrives without anyone being any wiser as to its contents.

Cost & Variety

Delivery services also have a variety of different mushrooms available at different price points, so there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a milder experience or something more intense, there’s bound to be something that fits your budget and preferences. Plus, many of these services offer discounts or special offers from time to time – so keep an eye out! Cost and variety is also a reason to microdose magic mushrooms.

Education & Support

Finally, one of the best things about using a magic mushroom delivery service is that they provide education and support along with their products. They understand that this is a powerful substance and want to make sure their customers know what they’re getting into before taking it. Many services also offer customer service lines if you have any questions or concerns about your order or experience with psychedelics in general. This sort of support can be invaluable when exploring psychedelics safely and responsibly. If you are in Toronto and are looking for a reliable delivery service for magic mushrooms In Canada you can use Organic Shroom Delivery Toronto.

Magic mushroom delivery


Magic mushroom delivery services provide an easy way to access high-quality psychedelics without having to source them yourself. These services prioritize safety by only offering lab-tested products as well as discreet packaging for discretion and convenience. Additionally, these services offer cost-effective options with discounts or special offers periodically – so you don’t have to break the bank in order to explore psychedelics safely! Finally, many of these delivery services provide education and support throughout your journey – making sure you have all the information necessary to explore psychedelics responsibly and enjoyably!